日本仁安堂薬健株式会社の地球温暖化対策 5大分野の技術
Jinando specializes in 5 unique technological systems for preventing global warming
*BLCS(Bio Livestock Clean System) 畜産飼育 牛、羊の噯気抑制 メタンの削減 Co₂の削減
*BECS(Bio Ecological Clean System) 環境改善 水田のメタン抑制 牧草地の窒素化合物の抑制
*BACS(Bio Aquatic Clean System) 水産養殖 水産養殖場のCo₂の吸収及び酸素(光合成による)生成
*BMES(Bio Ethanol System) バイオエタノールと水素 バイオマス繊維の糖化及びエタノールを生成するバイオ技術
*BBCS(Bio Bacteria Clean Sytem) 静菌対策 病原菌やウイルスを抑制する

Jinando is a company active in global warming solutions that has delivered many special forms of technology over the past 25 years, starting from our unique BLCS product developed through adaptations of microorganisms.
We strive to achieve our mission to reduce carbon dioxide from agricultural fields to prevent global warming. Our accomplishments have been recognized by various media.
Our recent success in glycating fiber from biomasses and developing a unique carbon catalyst agent for usage at power generators and industrial boilers has been conducive in reducing energy as well as significantly preventing large emissions of carbon sources. We deliver the fundamentals for clean and reusable energy.
(Photo: Primeval cyanobacteria regenerated through our technology)